
(map proc, lst ...+) -> lst

In its most basic usage, map maps a proc over a lst.


Basic usage:

(define doubler
    (lambda (n) (* 2 n)))

; Double all the numbers in a list
> (map doubler (list 1 2 3))
'(2 4 6)

; Also works with lambdas
> (map (lambda (n) (+ 1 n))
       (list 1 2 3))
'(2 3 4)

map also works with any number of lsts, not just one:

; String, Number -> String
(define (birthday name age)
    (string-append "Happy "
                   (number->string age)
                   "th birthday, "

(define names (list "Nikhil" "Shana" "Spencer"))
(define ages (list 20 30 40))

; Using map with multiple lists
> (map birthday names ages)
'("Happy 20th birthday, Nikhil"
  "Happy 30th birthday, Shana"
  "Happy 40th birthday, Spencer")

Variadic map

When using map with multiple lsts, there are three requirements of the arguments passed:

  1. proc arity: if there are $N$ lsts passed, then proc must take N arguments.
  2. proc argument type: suppose there are 3 lsts passed in the following order: List-of-Numbers, List-of-Strings, List-of-Lists-of-Strings. Then the proc must take 3 arguments of type Number, String, List-of-Strings in that order.
  3. lst length: all of the lsts passed must be of the same length.

These requirements essentially formalize the idea of mapping the function over the arguments of the lsts, one "row" at a time.

map will return a list of type T, where T is the return type of proc. That is, if proc is a function Number -> String, then mapping it over a List-of-Numbers will return a List-of-Strings.

Student Language Implementation

(define (my-map proc lst)
        [(empty? lst) '()]
        [else (cons (proc (first lst))
                    (my-map proc (rest lst)))]))

Teaching Notes

It can help to illustrate map on the board like so:

lst Output list
a (proc a)
b (proc b)
... ...

This visualization expands well to variadic use cases. That is, (map proc lst1 lst2 lst3) can be illustrated as:

lst1 lst2 lst3 Output list
a 1 true (proc a 1 true)
b 2 true (proc b 2 true)
c 3 false (proc c 3 false)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""