
(filter pred lst) -> lst

filter takes a predicate pred and a list lst, and returns a new list consisting of elements in lst for which pred returned true.

Predicates can take any number of arguments of any type. In the case of filter, however, we are dealing specifically with predicates that take one argument.


; Get all the even numbers
> (filter even? (list 1 2 3 4 5))
'(2 4)

; Also works with lambdas
; Get all the posns with X-values greater than 10
> (filter (lambda (pos) (> (posn-x pos) 10))
          (list (make-posn 1 2)
                (make-posn 13 3)
                (make-posn 5 20)))
(list (make-posn 13 3))

Student Language Implementation

(define (my-filter pred lst)
    [(empty? lst) empty]

    ; Check whether pred is truthy for the next list item
    ; cons if so
    [(pred (first lst)) (cons (first lst)
                              (my-filter pred (rest lst)))]

    ; If pred didn't return truthy, skip adding this item
    [else (my-filter pred (rest lst))]))

Teaching Notes

A number of students have trouble remembering which "direction" filter goes in (that is, they assume that filter "filters out" list elements for which pred returns true).

Generally this becomes a non-issue as students gain more exposure over the quarter, but it's a very common point of confusion during early weeks.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""